Welcome to
Freedom Hope!

Join us this Sunday at 11:00 AM.

We're so glad you're here.

Freedom Hope Church is dedicated to leading people to Jesus. We want to reach and teach everyone with the Gospel and the true love of Christ! Most of all, we want you to know Jesus!

Join us every Sunday at 11:00 AM EST Online or in person!

251 Robertsville Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830

A Church That Feels Like Family

We believe that the church should be a place of true community and connection. We want to cultivate a church family that is built upon biblical fellowship in order to experience the true love of Christ!  

More About Us

Identity Matters

If you don't yet personally know Jesus, don't worry. We would love to talk with you about your questions or concerns.

Style of Worship?

We combine unique musical elements across multiple styles, from Hymns to Contemporary Christian worship!

Can't attend in person?

Join us online anytime through our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube channel for updates.

Upcoming Events

Give Online

Giving online is safe and easy. To give online, click on the link below. Thank you for your generosity!